A film directed by Samuthirakani, released in 2010, with Ravi Teja, Allari Naresh, Siva Balaji, Roja as the lead cast. It's an action entertainer with Ram Charan Teja in the lead role. It has music scored by music director Chakri.
Siva Teja plays the role of Shambo Shiva Shambo, who has been released after serving his prison sentence. He is a strong, brave, and fearless man, and he lives with his wife (Priya) and kids (Suma and Raja) in their house. Siva Teja has a brother, Shiva Krishna (Siva Balaji), who used to be a successful businessman and used to live in the city. He loves his only sister and his two kids, whom he treats like his own, and his brother is in love with another girl. Shiva Krishna then goes to their ancestral house and asks his sister to get married to another man. He wants to get his sister married to the rich guy, Shiva Sambhalu, so that he can easily gain money for his business.
Shambhavi (Rajwade) is a lawyer, and he wants to become a judge. He meets his girlfriend Priya (Pochamma) and she asks him for a favor. She tells him that Shambhavi, who is their lawyer, is responsible for the case of one of their own friends and his sister. So, Priya asks him to fix the problem, because Shambhavi is very close to them. Shambhavi goes to their friend's house and to his sister's house, where they tell him that they need money to fix their house. So, Shambhavi tells them that he will give them the money, and they will give him the house. So, he then agrees to help his friends and his sister's boyfriend. Shambhavi also tells them to keep this a secret, because he will have to take care of the others' problems. So, he meets his own brother and sister and tells them that he has to do it, but they ask him to fix the problems of their friends and their sister's boyfriend. Shambhavi has been called a good man and he does not want to get involved in anything wrong. Shambhavi agrees to help his friends and his sister's boyfriend.
Sambhalu's father (Puneet Kumar) wants him be359ba680
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